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الجمعة، 1 فبراير 2019

Sardinia Island

Sardinia Island

Sardinia Sardinia is one of the Mediterranean islands of Italy. It is the second largest island of Cyprus and Sicily. It is the capital of Cali, which includes eight provinces. Its inhabitants speak Sicilian and Irish in addition to Catalan. It is surrounded by the western side of Sardinia and the eastern Tyrrhenian Sea. The volcano is located between latitudes fifty-five degrees north and between the two latitudes of eighty-eight degrees east.

Terrain Sardinia consists of high altitude rocky areas, a range of long-straight coasts, a range of deep-sea estates and small island clusters, as well as a few large rivers, notably the 150-kilometer-long Terso River , And pours its waters in the Sea of Sardinia, has been created fifty-four artificial lake in them, and a set of dams to meet the need of water and electricity

Climate As the island is part of the Mediterranean Sea, the sea climate will prevail, especially in its coasts, lowlands and low hills, while its plateaus, valleys and mountains are dominated by the continental climate and show the sun's rays for one hundred and thirty-five days and rain during winter and autumn. To small amounts of rain falling heavily in the spring, followed by snow covering the mountains, and the average temperature ranges between 11 to seventeen degrees Celsius.

Tourism and Economy

There are many sites and charming places that made it a place to visit, where tourists like to go to the Maddalena archipelago as well as the seven sisters, some of whom like to sail from the main national park of Madalena along the coast; to see the sea floor filled with life and vitality, It is the perfect place for people who like to practice diving, and can also visit Cabrera, which is filled with pastures, pine forests, living areas and museums. On the banks of the northwestern coast, you can enjoy a nature park and a range of tourist resorts where you can fish, as well as a host of historical and historical sites such as tombs, caves, stone and rock towers. In economic terms, it is considered the best economically compared to the rest of the Italian regions, specifically in the southern part of the capital Rome, and the provinces of Sassari and Calari great development and economic;

جزيرة سردينيا

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