Information on Mongolia
Mongolia is officially known as the Republic of Mongolia, a Central Asian country with its capital, Ulan Bator, and its largest city, a landlocked city surrounded by Russia, surrounded by China from the three eastern, western and southern regions. Mongolia is a parliamentary republic with a total area of about 1564116 km 2 It is the second largest land-locked country after the State of Kazakhstan. Despite the vast and large area of the country, it is considered one of the least densely populated countries in the world. Nomadic or semi-nomadic nomads constitute about 30% of the total population.In 1997, the Republic of Mongolia joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), striving to increase the country's participation and influence in economic systems and in regional trade.
Origin of Mongolia designation
The Mongols, Mongolians or Mongols, a people living in Central Asia, which is called Mongolia, are now spoken. Currently, the Mongols are distributed in many regions, including Russia, Central Asia, Mongolia and China, as well as minorities in the region of Pakistan and Eastern Europe, In the Kalmyk people
Geography of Mongolia
The Jeobe Desert is one of the most important geographical features in Mongolia, covering one-third of the southern region of the country. It is considered the second largest desert in the world. The desert is home to many endangered animals, including the Gobi bear, which has only forty dabbas, And dense mountain forests cover about 25% of the total area of Mongolia. The most famous of these forests are the Altai Neuru forests in the western part of Mongolia.
Mongolia's climate
Mongolia's climate is characterized by a seasonal continental climate, where the spring season is characterized by high temperatures with sudden strong winds, while summer is short and rainy, while autumn is low and frosts occur in the country. The winter in Mongolia is long and very cold.
The language of Mongolia
Mongolian is the official language of the country, spoken by 95% of the population, which is written in Cyrillic alphabet. Russian is the first foreign language in the country and hence the English language. There is an increasing interest in the Russian language. The state.
Founder of the Mongol state
The Mongols were a group of nomadic nomadic tribes often referred to as Tatars or Tatars, which spread in the Mongolian plateau in central Asia. The Mongol community consisted of the following tribes: the Qiyat tribe, the Nayman tribe, the Uyrat tribe, the Kirit tribe, the Tatar tribes, , The Mongols cotton on the northern plateau of Mongolia on the Siberian side, and the Tartars on the south side of China. Baghdad was the capital of the Abbasids in 656 AH by the Mongols led by the Mongol leader Hulaku grandson of Genghis Khan. The Mongols killed the Muftis of the Abbasid caliphs, and the books of the Baghdad Library in the Tigris River, whose water remained black for three days afterwards; In it, and lost heritage then irreplaceable.
Genghis Khan was born in Mongolia in 549 AH. His original name was Timogen ben Yasukai Bhadar, and the title of Timogen Genghis Khan, the emperor of the world, was a bloodthirsty man with great strength and strength. The name of this name is due to the leader of a tribe who was killed by the father of Genghis Khan Ysokai on the same day that Genghis Khan was born. His father was the head of the Mogul tribe known as Qayyat. When Genghis reached the age of 13, his father Yasukai died
Genghis Khan succeeded in gaining the allegiance of his tribe and made the tribe of Qayyat under his rule. He was under the age of 20 and succeeded in consolidating his power and expanding his monarchy. He united the Mongol and Tatar tribes in Mongolia and made them under his control in 603 AH. A powerful army was operating under his command, Genghis organized internal affairs, established a council called Goriltai, and established a constitution called the Yassa Law, a set of laws that Genghis Khan himself decided to regulate the life of the emerging Mongol state. Genghis Khan then took control of the Chinese Empire, and fought several battles with the Chinese forces until the victory in the Battle of the interval in 612 e, followed by the Chinese capital Beijing, was the biggest impact in the hearts of other empires, and highlighted the fall of what it enjoys Genghis Khan is an outstanding talent in the battlefields
Genghis Khan later collided with the vast Algorithm state in 615 AH, and the Khwarizmian state comprised most of the Islamic countries in Asia under the leadership of Alaeddin Muhammad Khwarizm Shah. Genghis Khan decided to control it and subordinate it to his rule. He prepared armies for this purpose and moved them to a country The army of Genghis Khan committed the most heinous crimes in these cities from burning, destruction and killing. Its army took over the inhabitants of the city of Atarar. Genghis Khan burned the city of Bukhara and denied the inviolability of its mosque. Great, thousands of residents of this city were killed
Genghis Khan died after he succeeded in establishing a vast state near the city of Tsu Jou in 624 AH. He was buried in Mongolia after a long history of murder and brutality. His country borders from Korea in the east to the Islamic Khawarizmiya in the west, The plains of Siberia in the north, to the Sea of China in the south. Today, the following countries are the Mughal state: China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, parts of Siberia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan. Genghis Khan was succeeded by his son Octai
Mongolia is officially known as the Republic of Mongolia, a Central Asian country with its capital, Ulan Bator, and its largest city, a landlocked city surrounded by Russia, surrounded by China from the three eastern, western and southern regions. Mongolia is a parliamentary republic with a total area of about 1564116 km 2 It is the second largest land-locked country after the State of Kazakhstan. Despite the vast and large area of the country, it is considered one of the least densely populated countries in the world. Nomadic or semi-nomadic nomads constitute about 30% of the total population.In 1997, the Republic of Mongolia joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), striving to increase the country's participation and influence in economic systems and in regional trade.
Origin of Mongolia designation
The Mongols, Mongolians or Mongols, a people living in Central Asia, which is called Mongolia, are now spoken. Currently, the Mongols are distributed in many regions, including Russia, Central Asia, Mongolia and China, as well as minorities in the region of Pakistan and Eastern Europe, In the Kalmyk people
Geography of Mongolia
The Jeobe Desert is one of the most important geographical features in Mongolia, covering one-third of the southern region of the country. It is considered the second largest desert in the world. The desert is home to many endangered animals, including the Gobi bear, which has only forty dabbas, And dense mountain forests cover about 25% of the total area of Mongolia. The most famous of these forests are the Altai Neuru forests in the western part of Mongolia.
Mongolia's climate
Mongolia's climate is characterized by a seasonal continental climate, where the spring season is characterized by high temperatures with sudden strong winds, while summer is short and rainy, while autumn is low and frosts occur in the country. The winter in Mongolia is long and very cold.
The language of Mongolia
Mongolian is the official language of the country, spoken by 95% of the population, which is written in Cyrillic alphabet. Russian is the first foreign language in the country and hence the English language. There is an increasing interest in the Russian language. The state.
Founder of the Mongol state
The Mongols were a group of nomadic nomadic tribes often referred to as Tatars or Tatars, which spread in the Mongolian plateau in central Asia. The Mongol community consisted of the following tribes: the Qiyat tribe, the Nayman tribe, the Uyrat tribe, the Kirit tribe, the Tatar tribes, , The Mongols cotton on the northern plateau of Mongolia on the Siberian side, and the Tartars on the south side of China. Baghdad was the capital of the Abbasids in 656 AH by the Mongols led by the Mongol leader Hulaku grandson of Genghis Khan. The Mongols killed the Muftis of the Abbasid caliphs, and the books of the Baghdad Library in the Tigris River, whose water remained black for three days afterwards; In it, and lost heritage then irreplaceable.
Genghis Khan was born in Mongolia in 549 AH. His original name was Timogen ben Yasukai Bhadar, and the title of Timogen Genghis Khan, the emperor of the world, was a bloodthirsty man with great strength and strength. The name of this name is due to the leader of a tribe who was killed by the father of Genghis Khan Ysokai on the same day that Genghis Khan was born. His father was the head of the Mogul tribe known as Qayyat. When Genghis reached the age of 13, his father Yasukai died
Genghis Khan succeeded in gaining the allegiance of his tribe and made the tribe of Qayyat under his rule. He was under the age of 20 and succeeded in consolidating his power and expanding his monarchy. He united the Mongol and Tatar tribes in Mongolia and made them under his control in 603 AH. A powerful army was operating under his command, Genghis organized internal affairs, established a council called Goriltai, and established a constitution called the Yassa Law, a set of laws that Genghis Khan himself decided to regulate the life of the emerging Mongol state. Genghis Khan then took control of the Chinese Empire, and fought several battles with the Chinese forces until the victory in the Battle of the interval in 612 e, followed by the Chinese capital Beijing, was the biggest impact in the hearts of other empires, and highlighted the fall of what it enjoys Genghis Khan is an outstanding talent in the battlefields
Genghis Khan later collided with the vast Algorithm state in 615 AH, and the Khwarizmian state comprised most of the Islamic countries in Asia under the leadership of Alaeddin Muhammad Khwarizm Shah. Genghis Khan decided to control it and subordinate it to his rule. He prepared armies for this purpose and moved them to a country The army of Genghis Khan committed the most heinous crimes in these cities from burning, destruction and killing. Its army took over the inhabitants of the city of Atarar. Genghis Khan burned the city of Bukhara and denied the inviolability of its mosque. Great, thousands of residents of this city were killed
Genghis Khan died after he succeeded in establishing a vast state near the city of Tsu Jou in 624 AH. He was buried in Mongolia after a long history of murder and brutality. His country borders from Korea in the east to the Islamic Khawarizmiya in the west, The plains of Siberia in the north, to the Sea of China in the south. Today, the following countries are the Mughal state: China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, parts of Siberia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan. Genghis Khan was succeeded by his son Octai
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